Source/Archive record (Report) SLI18059 - The Paddocks, Keddington
Title | The Paddocks, Keddington |
Author/Originator | Lincs Heritage Consultancy |
Date/Year | 2016 |
HER Report no. | 7355 |
The report on the assessment of significance was conducted on The Paddocks, Keddington, to inform pre-application advice. The survey area consisted of the cottage a well as some of the outbuildings. The building is a two storey vernacular cottage, and dates possibly of early to mid 19th century but has undergone significant alterations. The building is comprised of roughly coursed chalk and red brick.The southeast part of the house contains a original double pitched pantile roof, while the northwestern part in a modern flat top roof, added c. 1960's. The southeastern elevation shows a early to mid-19th century hand-made red brick plinth, quoins and central panel.The chalk masonry infill is roughly coursed and squared and has been disturbed by later, large modern machine made brick, possibly a result of extensive repairs when the windows were replaced. The windows are modern, c. 1950-60's The upper windows are set directly beneath the eaves. One ground floor window has a formal soldier course, and the other large aluminium window has a rendered panel over. A steel tie is present of the right hand side. The original chimney stack appears on the right hand side, though appears to have been rebuilt. The northeast elevation shows similar building materials, the original outline of the catslide roof is evident under the modern flat top roof. A Georgian sash window is present on the ground floor, with a brick contrast quoins window surround with a cambered soldier course above. On the northwestern elevation, the original brick and chalk masonry hardly remain, though the NE corner has original brick quions to the first floor. The red brick infil appears to be of three different periods. The original door appears to have been on the right hand side, based on physical evidence. The south west elevation has also been hevily altered, with chalk and brick quions existing on the lower storey, an external brick chimney stack, possibly c.1940's, is present on the gable end. The outbuildings appear to date from the later 19th century, and are mostly informal structures made from a veriety of different materials.
External Links (0)
HER Digital
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI127138 The Paddocks, Keddington (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI14110 The Paddocks, Keddington
Record last edited
Jun 27 2024 10:04AM