Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI17797 - Historic Building Recording at Braemar Farm, North Street, Middle Rasen

Title Historic Building Recording at Braemar Farm, North Street, Middle Rasen
Date/Year 2022


Archive for a historic building survey undertaken prior to the proposed conversion of former farm outbuildings at Braemar Farm, North Street, Middle Rasen. The survey area comprised the surviving North and East Ranges of an originally U-plan complex of buildings around a central crewyard open to the south. The former West Range was demolished at some time in the 20th century. The North Range comprises a single storey former stable block, now divided internally into an office and two store rooms, all with a door and small window in the south elevation. There is a former doorway in the west elevation, infilled in brick, and a single door in the centre of the north elevation. At the corner of the two ranges is a modern lean-to open shed constructed of breeze block and timber, under a mono-pitch roof of corrugated metal, which sits on the footprint of an earlier building. The East Range comprises a single storey 3 bay cart shed open to the east, with a single door in the west elevation providing access to the courtyard. The 2nd Edition 25 Inch OS map suggests that this building once extended further west, and was open to the courtyard. To the south of the cart shed is a two storey barn with a single door in the west elevation and double doors in the east elevation. Both ranges have undergone significant internal alteration and no interior fixtures or fittings remain. All of the original buildings are constructed of red brick, under pitched gabled pantile roofs. The crewyard appears to have been covered over in the 20th century, until 2007/8.

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City and County Museum LCNCC: 2022.78

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Outbuildings at Braemar Farm, Middle Rasen (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Outbuildings at Braemar Farm, Middle Rasen

Record last edited

Jan 3 2024 12:06PM



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