Source/Archive record (Report) SLI17779 - Tillbridge Lane House, Scampton

Title Tillbridge Lane House, Scampton
Date/Year 2023
HER Report no. 7042


Report on a historic building survey undertaken on a range of outbuildings at Tillbridge Lane House, Scampton, prior to their conversion to a pair of holiday lets and a private residential unit. The surveyed area comprised a north-south aligned range of buildings, bonded at its northern end to the surviving east-west aligned North Range, which did not form part of this survey. Two phases of building are evident, with the northern building constructed between 1810 and 1822, and the southern building constructed in the mid-19th century. At the northern end of the range is a single storey building constructed of courses of roughly worked, shaped, and faced limestone blocks, under a pitched gabled roof of corrugated metal. It is suggested to have been used in the 20th century as a milking parlour. The southern building's west and south elevations are constructed of red brick, with only the east elevation constructed of similar materials to the northern building. It too has a pitched gabled roof of corrugated metal. Internally it is subdivided into four rooms, from north to south: a barn, two storage rooms or animal pens, and a tack room.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • West Range, Tillbridge Lane House, Scampton (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • West Range, Tillbridge Lane House, Scampton

Record last edited

Dec 14 2023 11:19AM



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