Source/Archive record (Report) SLI17738 - West Torrington Church

Title West Torrington Church
Date/Year 1988
HER Report no. 7220


Report on an investigation, conducted into the internal wall paintings of the Church of St Mary, West Torrington. The survey used remote sensing photography techniques to provide information on the painted areas of the walls on the north side of the nave, and on the northern end of the chancel's east wall. The survey revealed 19th century paintings beneath the later wall finishes. Whilst no earlier paintings were identified, the 19th century paintings were thought by the surveyor to be of high quality and worthy of preservation.
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HER 88/1

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Church of St Mary, West Torrington (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2023 12:59PM



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