Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI17714 - Granary and Cart Shed, Northorpe Grange Farm

Title Granary and Cart Shed, Northorpe Grange Farm
Date/Year 2023


Archive for a historic building survey undertaken prior to the conversion of a granary and cart shed at Northorpe Grange Farm to ground floor offices and a first floor flat. The surveyed building was a two storey brick structure, with stone walls at ground floor level, with a pitched gabled roof, uncovered at the time of survey. The north elevation of the ground floor cart shed has six arched openings, the easternmost of which has been infilled in brick with a wooden hatch. The upper storey granary is open plan, and accessed from the west elevation by an external brick and concrete staircase, with a small store room beneath. Adjacent to the granary was an open sided single storey brick shed structure with a mono-pitched corrugated metal roof.

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City and County Museum LCNCC: 2023.4

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Granary and Cart Shed, Northorpe Grange Farm (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Granary and Cart Shed, Northorpe Grange Farm

Record last edited

Oct 20 2023 12:09PM



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