Source/Archive record (Report) SLI17180 - Locksmill Farm, Cowbit Road, Spalding

Title Locksmill Farm, Cowbit Road, Spalding
Date/Year 2021
HER Report no. 6751
Archaeological Project Services 05/21


An archaeological evaluation which consisted of 4 trial trenches of which only trench number 4 returned archaeological finds. These finds were redeposited in the topsoil and included an Early Bronze Age scraper and medieval pottery. Post-medieval pottery, tile and clay pipe, as well as 20th century glass were also identified. The remains of a modern field boundary was also noted running through two of the other trenches.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Early Bronze age end scraper from Locksmill Farm, Cowbit Road, Spalding (Find Spot)
  • Medieval Pottery from Locksmill Farm, Cowbit Road, Spalding (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Locksmill Farm, Cowbit Road, Spalding (Ref: 05/21)

Record last edited

Nov 3 2022 10:12AM



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