Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI17063 - Orchard House, Priory Road, Stamford

Title Orchard House, Priory Road, Stamford
Date/Year 2012


Archive for a programme of trial trenching undertaken on land at Orchard House, Priory Road, Stamford, prior to proposed construction of a new rear extension. A single trench was excavated, measuring 9m x 1.4m. A shallow sub-circular shaped scoop or pit was encountered at the south-western corner of the trench. It contained a single sherd of 10th-11th century pottery. To the east was a shallow, undated posthole. To the east of the posthole was an undated north-south aligned ditch. A further undated posthole was excavated in the northern baulk of the trench. No further archaeological features were identified.

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City and County Museum LCNCC 2012.91

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Orchard House, Priory Road, Stamford

Record last edited

Jan 31 2022 11:22AM



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