Source/Archive record (Report) SLI16779 - Former Methodist Chapel, Union Street, Market Rasen

Title Former Methodist Chapel, Union Street, Market Rasen
Date/Year 2020
HER Report no. 6556
PCAS Archaeology Ltd 2216


Report on a retrospective programme of photographic recording, conducted following the demolition of the former Methodist Chapel at Union Street, Market Rasen. The chapel was built in 1861, but closed in 1963 and was subsequently converted to use as a garage. The main building was of two-storeys, being built of brick laid in 3-course English Garden Wall bond, and featured a pitched slate roof that was hipped at the eastern end. A two-storey brick extension attached to the eastern end of the main building is thought to have acted as a vestry. Further extensions and outbuildings added a schoolroom and chapel cottage, although these structures were in private ownership and not included in the recording. The chapel was in poor condition prior to its demolition, with its conversion to a garage resulting in the loss of many original features, including the classical façade and much of its interior detail. The first floor gallery was relatively intact, although there were no pews remaining.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Former Wesleyan Reformers Methodist Chapel, Union Street, Market Rasen (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Former Methodist Chapel, Union Street, Market Rasen

Record last edited

Apr 27 2021 12:33PM



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