Source/Archive record (Electronic Communication) SLI16763 - Information from Steve Williams

Title Information from Steve Williams
Date/Year 2020


Information regarding the remains of medieval ridge and furrow, visible as earthworks on the Google Earth satellite imagery layer, on land to the north-west of Digby. The remains could be seen as two adjoining blocks of east to west aligned, parallel linear earthworks. The blocks are separated by a prominently banked, roughly north to south aligned headland, which now has several trees growing on top.

External Links (0)


Communicated to Richard Watts by e-mail, in June 2020. Steve Williams is the Principal Archaeologist at Midland Archaeological Services.


Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Ridge and Furrow, Digby (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Feb 26 2021 8:17AM



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