Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI15860 - Land off Broadfield Lane, Boston
Title | Land off Broadfield Lane, Boston |
Author/Originator | M & M Archaeological Services |
Date/Year | 2013 |
Archive for the excavation of eight trial trenches, dug to inform proposed residential development on land off Broadfield Lane, Boston. The site had been heavily disturbed by its prior use as allotments, and no archaeological features or deposits were encountered. A single redeposited sherd of Roman pottery was, however, recovered.
External Links (0)
City and County Museum LCNCC 2013.30
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI124981 Roman Pottery, Broadfield Lane, Boston (Find Spot)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI12924 Land off Broadfield Lane, Boston
Record last edited
Jun 5 2017 1:47PM