Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI15650 - Land North of Stow Park Road, Marton
Title | Land North of Stow Park Road, Marton |
Author/Originator | Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd |
Date/Year | 2016 |
Archive for the excavation of ten trial trenches, dug to inform proposed residential development on land to the north of Stow Park Road, Marton. The only features identified related to recent agricultural activity, and no archaeologically significant features or deposits were encountered, although a single, redeposited and quite abraded sherd of either Roman or medieval pottery was recovered.
External Links (0)
City and County Museum LCNCC 2016.34
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI116450 Redeposited Pottery Sherd, Stow Park Road, Marton (Find Spot)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI12800 Land North of Stow Park Road, Marton
Record last edited
Oct 17 2016 10:51AM