Source/Archive record (Photograph) SLI15305 - Photograph of 11 Double Street, Spalding

Title Photograph of 11 Double Street, Spalding
Date/Year 2002


11 Double Street, Spalding, is featured in a photograph taken during a site visit in August 2002. The view is of the exterior façade of the building, which had changed its name from The Crane Inn to The Lincolnshire Poacher by the time of the visit.

External Links (0)


The original hard-copy print was discarded after being scanned and added to the digital photo library.


HER Photo Library

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • 11 Double Street, Spalding (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Site Visit to 11 Double Street, Spalding

Record last edited

Aug 5 2020 2:22PM



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