Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI15245 - Land Adjacent to 11 Francis Street, Lincoln

Title Land Adjacent to 11 Francis Street, Lincoln
Date/Year 2015


Archive for the programme of archaeological monitoring and recording, conducted during groundworks for residential development on land adjacent to 11 Francis Street, Lincoln. 19th century development of the area appears to have disturbed much of the site, and no earlier features were identified. Two redeposited fragments of medieval tile and one sherd of unstratified Roman pottery were recovered, however, indicating some pre-19th century activity in this area.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2014.86

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Medieval Tile, 11 Francis Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)
  • Roman Pottery, 11 Francis Street, Lincoln (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land Adjacent to 11 Francis Street, Lincoln

Record last edited

Dec 31 2015 9:13AM



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