Source/Archive record (Report) SLI15131 - St Catherine's Priory Centre, Lincoln: Part 2

Title St Catherine's Priory Centre, Lincoln: Part 2
Date/Year 2008
HER Report no. 5515
Allen Archaeological Associates 2008/057


Report on a second phase of trial trench evaluation, conducted to inform the proposed construction of a glass floor at St Catherine's Priory Centre, Lincoln. This phase involved the partial widening of the trial trench previously excavated in June 2008, exposing more of the medieval ceramic water pipe and providing further dating evidence for the sequence of archaeological deposits previously recorded.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Site of St Catherine's Priory and St Sepulchre's Hospital, Lincoln (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • St Catherine's Priory Centre, Lincoln: Part 2

Record last edited

Oct 14 2015 10:31AM



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