Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI14460 - Land off Church Street, Middle Rasen

Title Land off Church Street, Middle Rasen
Date/Year 2013


Archive for the watching brief, undertaken during the groundworks for new housing on land off Church Street, Middle Rasen. A single sherd of 10 to 12th century pottery was recovered from the upper fill of a large, linear feature, interpreted as a possible former course of the River Rase. Dumps of 20th century material were also recorded on the site, possibly being associated with the demolition of a former Wesleyan chapel, to the immediate south of the site.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2013.81

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Middle Rasen (Monument)
  • Middle Rasen Drax Settlement (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land off Church Street, Middle Rasen

Record last edited

Apr 24 2019 12:54PM



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