Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14353 - Land at Poachers Lane, Sudbrooke

Title Land at Poachers Lane, Sudbrooke
Date/Year 2013
Allen Archaeology Ltd 2013112
HER Report no. 5080


Report on a magnetometry survey, conducted to inform proposed residential development on land at Poachers Lane, Sudbrooke. Areas of magnetic noise and several discrete magnetic anomalies were recorded, possibly representing remains associated with the probable Roman villa site to the immediate north. Subsequent trial trenching on the site resolved most of the magnetic anomalies as being of either modern or natural origin, although did record the presence of a Roman hard (see ELI12656). An Iron Age ditch and an undated trackway, neither identified by the geophysical survey, were also recorded.

External Links (1)



HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Romano-British Villa, New Ten Acre Covert, Sudbrooke (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land at Poachers Lane, Sudbrooke

Record last edited

Jul 6 2017 11:50AM



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