Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14232 - Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln

Title Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln
Date/Year 1994
City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit 77
HER Report no. 5025


Report on an archaeological watching brief, conducted during the groundworks for an extension to the rear of Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln. The monitoring revealed a quantity of disarticulated human remains, which were thought to have been redeposited from a burial ground associated with St Catherine's Priory, although no conclusive evidence of the exact location of the priory was identified.

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HER 94/3

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Site of St Catherine's Priory and St Sepulchre's Hospital, Lincoln (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln

Record last edited

Mar 10 2015 1:19PM



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