Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14232 - Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln
Title | Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln |
Author/Originator | City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit |
Date/Year | 1994 |
City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit | 77 |
HER Report no. | 5025 |
Report on an archaeological watching brief, conducted during the groundworks for an extension to the rear of Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln. The monitoring revealed a quantity of disarticulated human remains, which were thought to have been redeposited from a burial ground associated with St Catherine's Priory, although no conclusive evidence of the exact location of the priory was identified.
External Links (0)
HER 94/3
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI87084 Site of St Catherine's Priory and St Sepulchre's Hospital, Lincoln (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI11406 Strut House, 35 St Catherines, Lincoln
Record last edited
Mar 10 2015 1:19PM