Source/Archive record (Report) SLI13924 - St Andrew's Church, Apley

Title St Andrew's Church, Apley
Date/Year 2012
HER Report no. 4844
Archaeological Project Services 53/12


Report on a resistivity survey and topographic survey, conducted to inform proposed management works at the site of the medieval Church of St Andrew, Apley. Anomalies thought to represent former wall lines of the medieval church were recorded by the resistivity survey, on the north-eastern side of the wider earthwork mound in this area. Other discrete anomalies possibly marking the locations of early graveyard furniture were also recorded. The topographic survey mapped the form of the mound in detail, and noted a slight bench in the mound's north-eastern side, matching the location of the geophysical anomalies and reinforcing the interpretation of this area as the location of the earlier church structure. {1}

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HER M12/3

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Churchyard, Church and Chapel of St Andrew, Apley (Monument)
  • Medieval Church of St Andrew, Apley (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Resistivity Survey at St Andrew's Church, Apley
  • Topographic Survey at St Andrew's Church, Apley

Record last edited

May 5 2023 11:19AM



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