Source/Archive record (Report) SLI12068 - Archaeological Excavations at Sudbrooke (Roman Villa)

Title Archaeological Excavations at Sudbrooke (Roman Villa)
Date/Year 2006
HER Report no. 4021


Report on the first season of open area excavations at the Roman site near New Ten Acre Covert, in summer 2005. Two areas were investigated (Areas A and B). A mortar floor and other possible structural remains were encountered in Area A whilst a large quantity of demolition material including painted wall plaster was seen in Area B. Finds included ceramics of 1st - 3rd century date.

External Links (2)



HER M6/3

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Romano-British Villa, New Ten Acre Covert, Sudbrooke (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Excavations at Subrooke Villa Site, 2005

Record last edited

Jun 19 2018 1:08PM



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