Source/Archive record (Correspondence) SLI11322 - Letter about an ovoid macehead found near Osbournby

Title Letter about an ovoid macehead found near Osbournby
Date/Year 1975


Letter about the location of the find; also a drawing of the artefact

External Links (0)


From R.W. Higginbottom (Assistant Keeper of Archaeology at the City & County Museum) to Mr Anyan, the finder, dated 8th April 1975, with handwritten reply on the bottom of the original letter; also includes black & white sketch of the artefact


SMR Osbournby parish file

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Late Neolithic macehead found near The Beck (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jun 2 2017 1:37PM



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