Source/Archive record (Correspondence) SLI11318 - Letters about an unidentified medieval object

Title Letters about an unidentified medieval object
Date/Year 1973


3 letters, a short report and 2 photographs about an unidentified object found near Osbournby

External Links (0)


Letter to Hilary Healey from J. Redshaw dated 12th Jan 1973; also 2 letters to Hilary Healey from staff at The Wallace Collection, Manchester, dated 2nd Aug 1973 and 2nd Nov 1963; also a short report by J. Redshaw and two black and white photographs of the object


SMR Osbournby parish file

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Medieval heraldic object found to the south of The Drove (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Apr 17 2007 9:54AM



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