Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI10208 - 21-25 St Catherines, Lincoln

Title 21-25 St Catherines, Lincoln
Date/Year 2005


Archive for the excavation of a single trial trench, dug to inform residential development at 21-25 St Catherines, Lincoln. A buried soil, containing fragments of 13th to 16th century medieval pottery and tile, was recorded, along with a number of pits, either cut into or sealed by the buried layer. The report also includes details of re-used architechtural fragments, identified at 21 St Catherines, prior to its demolition.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2004.246

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Site of St Catherine's Priory and St Sepulchre's Hospital, Lincoln (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • 21-25 St Catherines, Lincoln
  • 21-25 St Catherines, Lincoln

Record last edited

Mar 16 2015 1:34PM



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