Monument record MLI99300 - Roman road running east-south-east from Roman Lincoln


A Roman road linking the upper Roman town of Lincoln with the main Roman road running east from Lincoln

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Evidence for activity in the Roman period was recorded during an excavation and subsequent watching brief at the Dean's Building, Lincoln College, in 2011. The earliest activity on the site appeared to involve the creation of a series of terraces and a limestone cobble road, broadly running from east to west, with associated pottery dating this to the 2nd century AD. The road was of rough construction and does not appear to have been well maintained, being abandoned some time in the 3rd century. It lies to the north and on a different alignment to the postulated line of the main Roman road running east from the East Gate of the Lower City. A projection of the course of this road aligns with a postulated diagonal road following the upper stretch of Danesgate and joining the main north to south route as it enters the Upper City. A road on this alignment would have formed a more direct route from the southern gate of the Upper City to the primary eastern route from the Lower City, thus avoiding the monumental steps on the line of Ermine Street. The abandonment of the road during the mid to late 3rd century is later than the date of the construction of the Lower City defences but the construction of the defences would have severed this route and the road would have been less well used and eventually abandoned in the following years. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2012. Lincoln College, Lincoln. AAL site code: LICO 11.
  •  Archive: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2012. Lincoln College, Lincoln. LCNCC 2012.118.



Grid reference Centred SK 9793 7152 (440m by 201m)

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Related Events/Activities (2)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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