Building record MLI97680 - Former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Red Cow Drove, Moulton Marsh


Former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Red Cow Drove, Moulton Marsh, now (2010) disused and derelict.

Type and Period (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 25648 The former Wesleyan chapel, which is indicated on the 1931 OS County Series map, was built in 1910. It may have replaced a chapel of 1844 recorded for Moulton Marsh in documentary sources. The building on that site is not marked as a chapel on the OS 1:0000 map. The building indicated behind the chapel on the 1931 map is no longer extant. The chapel building is now (2010) disused and derelict. It is built of red brick with gault brick dressings and has a gabled roof with a slate covering. The gabled front elevation has three bays of pointed openings with a central gabled porch and a date stone above 'Wesleyan Church 1910'. The side elevations are of two bays of pointed windows, though the window details are lost. Some remnants of etched green glass survive. The roof has terracotta ridge copings and finials. The window arches, and two stringcourses, are of double rows of beige gault brick. An upper floor, fireplace and chimney were added at some time. There are several foundation stones and a blocked segmental-headed doorway on the rear gable elevation.{1}{2}{3}{4} The building is present on the 1888 County Series map and described as a Primitive Methodist Chapel, it is also on the 1905 County Series Map as a Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. In White's Directory of 1856 he speaks of two Primitive Methodist Chapels in the parish of Moulton. One is at Moulton Seas End (PRN 25328) dated 1835 and this might well be the other. If this is the case then it may be that the date of 1910 on the building may indicate when the Wesleyan Methodists altered the building rather than its construction date which might be in 1844. {5}{6}{7}

Sources/Archives (7)

  •  Digital Archive: Lincolnshire County Council. 2004-2009. GIS layer depicting locations and survival of nonconformist chapels. 25648.
  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1907-1950. 25 Inch County Series Map - Third Edition. 1:2500. 127/9.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: R.W. Ambler. 1979. Lincolnshire Returns of the Census of Religious Worship, 1851. page 26, no.133.
  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1970. 1:10000 Ordnance Survey Series Map. 1:10000. TF33SW.
  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1883-1888. 6 Inch County Series Map - First Edition. 1:10560. 127SW.
  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-06. 25 Inch County Series Map - Second Edition. 1:2500. 127/9.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: William White. 1856. History, Gazetteer and Directory of Lincolnshire - Second Edition. p.837.



Grid reference Centred TF 3362 3119 (12m by 11m)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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