Monument record MLI92225 - Possible enclosure or field system, Canwick


Possible enclosure or field system, Canwick

Type and Period (5)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 65781 A geophysical survey was undertaken in 2006 along the proposed route of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass (Route B). Ditch type responses were identified which ran in north to south and east to west alignments. These results may represent several undated enclosures or former field systems. {1} Geophysical survey was undertaken by Stratascan in November 2008 along the proposed Lincoln Eastern Bypass. Parcel J revealed evidence of ditches, probably former field boundaries and enclosures, and pits. {2}{3} Trial trenching was undertaken by Archaeological Project Services Ltd in 2008 along the proposed route of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass. Undated post holes containing animal remains and a pit containing a partial cattle skeleton were found. {4}{5}

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Report: GSB Prospection Ltd. 2006. Geophysical Survey on land south of Lincoln (Route B). -.
  •  Report: Stratascan. 2008. Geophysical Survey on Lincoln Eastern Bypass. -.
  •  Archive: Stratascan. 2008. Geophysical Survey on Lincoln Eastern Bypass. -.
  •  Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2009. Trial Trenching on the Proposed Route of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass: Post-Fieldwork Report. LNEB08.
  •  Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2009. Trial Trenching on the Proposed Route of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass: Post-Fieldwork Report. LCNCC: 2008.159.



Grid reference Centred TF 00278 70084 (180m by 618m)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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