Building record MLI91759 - Grange Farm, West Torrington


19th century model farm with a very unusual fan-shaped layout which is unique in Lincolnshire.

Type and Period (6)

  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1839 AD to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1839 AD to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1839 AD to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1839 AD to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1839 AD to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 47144 Grange Farm is a model farm built between 1839 and 1842 which has a very unusual fan-shaped layout, unique in Lincolnshire. It was first occupied by William Norfold who leased it from the local landowner Sir Robert Sharpe Ainsley. The fan-shaped layout includes all the usual buildings for a mixed farm e.g. barn, stables, cattle shelters and cart sheds arranged in order to maximise sunlight received by the animals in the crew yards. There were three crew yards, bounded and divided by red brick walls which have more decoration than the farm buildings themselves. The buildings were constructed of red brick with pantile roofs, probably utilising local materials. There have been numerous alterations and additions to the buildings which reflect changes in farming practises to the present day. These have also removed most of the original internal arrangements and fixtures. The buildings are now in poor condition, some derelict, and a detailed building survey was carried out prior to their conversion to residential use. The buildings were originally associated with the farmhouse to the south and the labourers' cottages to the east across the road although these are now all in separate ownership. {1}{2}{3} West Torrington Grange, West Torrington. Partially extant 19th century farmstead. Loose courtyard. The farmhouse is detached from the main working complex. There has been significant loss (greater than 50%) of traditional buildings. Isolated location. Large modern sheds are located to the side of the site. {4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2008. Grange Farm, West Torrington: Photographic Building Survey. GFWT08.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2008. Grange Farm, West Torrington: Photographic Building Survey. LCNCC 2008.68.
  •  Report: Squires, S.. 1998. Notes on an inspection of the farmsead at Grange Farm, West Torrington. -.
  •  Digital Archive: English Heritage. 2015. English Heritage Farmsteads Project. 3588.



Grid reference Centred TF 14317 81334 (135m by 142m)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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