Monument record MLI90659 - Priory Villas, Lincoln


Priory Villas originally formed 45-47 St Catherines, Lincoln. The building was demolished in 2007.

Type and Period (1)

  • (Post Medieval to 21st Century - 1867 AD to 2007 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

This building was the subject of a level 1 photographic survey, prior to its demolition and subsquent redevelopment at 45-47 St Catherines, Lincoln. The building formed a pair of red brick semi-detached villa houses, and was built in 1867 for J Doughty, by architect R Slingsby. The building was altered in 1894 and later converted into flats. The building was in poor condition, and had suffered from fire damage, although it retained some original features. {1}{2} Remains associated with the late 19th century residential development of this area were revealed in June 2007, during archaeological excavation at 45-47 St Catherines, Lincoln. The remains comprised the remains of former cellars and a number of probable pits, all filled with modern building rubble, although a stem fragment from a 19th century clay tobacco pipe was recovered. {3}{4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2007. 45 & 47 St Catherines, Lincoln. PCA site code: SCEL07.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2007. 45 & 47 St Catherines, Lincoln. LCNCC 2007.139.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2008. Land at 45-47 St Catherines, Lincoln. PCA site code: SCEL 07.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2008. Land at 45-47 St Catherines, Lincoln. LCNCC 2007.139.



Grid reference Centred SK 97098 69354 (26m by 19m) Surveyed

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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