Monument record MLI89352 - Romano-British ditches on land at South Cockerington
Romano-British ditches on land at South Cockerington
Type and Period (1)
- DITCH (Roman - 250 AD to 299 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 46730
Two ditches dating to the mid to late 3rd century AD. One of the ditches had a recut, both being sealed by a buried soil. Artefactual and environmental evidence recovered from the fills of these ditches was indicative of a low status settlement site. These included pottery sherds, fragmentary animal bone, charred grains of wheat and barley, oyster shells, fired clay, a single fragment of Roman brick and three iron objects. The pottery assemblage was dominated by local grey ware fabrics in a range of forms. The assemblage also included Dales type wares and at least two fine ware beakers in the Nene Valley colour-coat style. Fired clay from within the ditches was probably from a wattle and daub structure and a single fragment of tile along with single Roman brick may also suggest buildings nearby. Domestic activity was inferred from the environmental remains recovered from the fills, with probable food residues having been discarded into the ditches.{1}{2}
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI11047 Report: Northern Archaeological Associates. Sep 2006. Grayfleet Gas Storage Facility: Archaeological Trial Trenching Report. SGS06.
- <2> SLI11048 Archive: Peter Cardwell. 2016. Saltfleetby Gas Storage Project. LCNCC 2016.52.
Grid reference | Centred TF 42668 90779 (51m by 48m) Approximate |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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