Monument record MLI89185 - Second World War pillbox at Mile Lane, Mablethorpe
Second World War pillbox at Mile Lane, Mablethorpe
Type and Period (1)
- PILLBOX (Second World War - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 46710
During a walkover survey a Second World War pillbox was observed in the north-western field of the application site, with its entrance on the north-east face. This may be an example of the Lincolnshire variant of the War Office Type FW3/23; the entrance leads to chambers on either side, with another small chamber beyond the entrance. The structure was not examined but it appears to be in good preservation. Part of a thin mortared panel 'wall' survives around the roof of the pillbox; this could be an original feature but may relate to subsequent use of the structure. {1}{2}
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI10897 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2005. Mile Lane, Mablethorpe - Proposed Extension of the Ecotricity Wind Farm: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. MWF05.
- <2> SLI10898 Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2005. Mile Lane, Mablethorpe - Proposed Extension of the Ecotricity Wind Farm: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. LCNCC 2005.35.
Grid reference | Centred TF 48516 82924 (138m by 125m) |
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Record last edited
Jun 8 2021 10:31AM
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