Building record MLI88790 - Chapel House, Scrane End, Freiston


Former United Free Methodist Chapel at Scrane End in Freiston Parish, now in use as a house named Chapel House

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 13830 Former United Free Methodist Chapel, Freiston, depicted on the 1905 Second Edition Ordnance Survey map. {1} The former United Free Methodist chapel at Scrane End in Freiston parish was visited in 2008. It is now in use as a house named 'Chapel House'. The gabled building is constructed of red brick, though the lower courses are rendered. The roof is covered in modern tiles. The gable cornice, and the eaves cornices, are of gault brick as is the string course on the elevation facing the road. There are three bays of triangular-headed windows in the side elevations and these windows, and also the single triangular-headed windows in each gable, have gault brick dressings in the triangular heads. The window frames are plastic. A modern extension covers the original entrance and there is a modern lean-to extension to the rear. There is a defaced foundation stone or date tablet set in the lower courses of the elevation facing the road. {1}{2}{3}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-06. 25 Inch County Series Map - Second Edition. 1:2500. TF34SE.
  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-06. 25 Inch County Series Map - Second Edition. 1:2500. 118/4.
  •  Digital Archive: Lincolnshire County Council. 2004-2009. GIS layer depicting locations and survival of nonconformist chapels. 13830.



Grid reference Centred TF 38789 41735 (9m by 10m)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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