Monument record MLI87331 - Roman pottery sherds from Church Lane, Cherry Willingham
Roman pottery sherds from Church Lane, Cherry Willingham
Type and Period (1)
- ARTEFACT SCATTER (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 55198
During an evaluation and extended watching brief on land at (TF 0350 7225) a background scatter of 23 Roman pottery sherds were recovered from the trial trenches and a further 12 sherds from the watching brief. According to the excavation report, this small quantity of Roman material may have been derived from a possible Roman site at TF 0360 7200 (see PRN 52852). This pottery was dated to the later first to third centuries. {1}{2}{3}{4}
A watching brief was undertaken during groundworks on Church Lane prior to development. Three sherds of Roman pottery were recovered at TF03260 72360. {5}{6}
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SLI5799 Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Jan 2000. Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. CWCA99.
- <2> SLI5800 Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. 2000. Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. LCNCC 188.99.
- <3> SLI5889 Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Feb 2000. Phase VI, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. CWCL98.
- <4> SLI5890 Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. 1998. Phase VI, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. LCNCC 178.98.
- <5> SLI9984 Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Jan 2004. Watching brief on Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. CWCB99.
- <6> SLI9985 Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Jan 2004. Watching brief on Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. LCNCC 271.99.
Grid reference | Centred TF 0330 7227 (205m by 205m) |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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