Monument record MLI85982 - Undated Pit on land at Scamblesby Primary School, Scamblesby
Undated Pit on land at Scamblesby Primary School, Scamblesby
Type and Period (1)
- PIT (Unknown date)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 45509
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken during the groundworks for a classroom block at Scamblesby Primary School, Scamblesby. A single undated pit was recorded. It appeared to have been subject to in situ burning, which scorched the edges of the feature and formed a charcoal rich deposit. This was sealed by a dump of limestone. It is possible that this represents the disposal of a diseased animal, which was burnt in the pit and sealed with lime (although no burnt bone was recorded). {1} {2}
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI9246 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. Nov 2002. Archaeological watching brief report on land at Scamblesby Primary School, Scamblesby. SCPS02.
- <2> SLI9247 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. Nov 2002. Archaeological watching brief report on land at Scamblesby Primary School, Scamblesby. LCNCC 2002.355.
Grid reference | Centred TF 27610 78755 (10m by 10m) |
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Related Events/Activities (1)
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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