Building record MLI82953 - Hanson's Mill, Burgh le Marsh


There was a post mill on the site in 1810 and it was rebuilt as a tower mill after 1856. It is now a bed and breakfast establishment.

Type and Period (4)

  • (Post Medieval - 1810 AD? to 1856 AD?)
  • (Post Medieval to Late 20th Century - 1857 AD? to 1985 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Late 20th Century - 1810 AD to 1985 AD)
  • (Late 20th Century to 21st Century - 1985 AD to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

There was a post mill on this site until at least 1842 but in 1855 a 'newly erected' tower mill was advertised for sale. It worked until the 1930s and lost its sails in 1938. In 1964 the upright shaft, spur gearing, one pair of stones and other items were taken to Brixton mill in London where they were used in the restoration by Thompsons of Alford. There were four patent sails, driving two pairs of French and one pair of grey stones. The mill had a demolition order placed upon it in 1985. {1} Dolman (Source 1) assigned the evidence for a newly built mill to this mill but in fact it refers to Dobson’s Mill, the other windmill in Burgh le Marsh (see PRN 44458). There was a post mill on the site in 1810. There is evidence for Hanson’s mill remaining as a post mill until at least 1856 and it must be after this date that it was rebuilt as a tower mill. {2} Despite the demolition order on the windmill in 1985, the building was not demolished and a new owner saved the mill tower. The adjacent bake-house was demolished and its bricks used to build the house that now adjoins the mill tower. Most of the original floors and beams were lost but original beams can be seen in the kitchen and the dining-room which are the ground and first floors of the tower. None of the staircases remain. There is an observation lounge at the top of the tower. The building is now (2012) a bed and breakfast establishment. {3}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Bibliographic Reference: Peter Dolman. 1986. Lincolnshire Windmills: A Contemporary Survey. p.13.
  •  Article in Serial: Redmore, K. (ed.). 2005. 'Industrial Archaeology Notes' In Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. C. Wilson, Burgh le Marsh Windmill, its early history, vol.40, pp.15-17.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: David Jager. 2007. Windmills of Lincolnshire Surviving into the 21st Century. EL4, p.53.



Grid reference Centred TF 49798 65059 (8m by 8m)

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Record last edited

Mar 3 2023 3:22PM


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