Monument record MLI82472 - Probable early Bronze Age barrow on land east of Frieston Road, Hough on the Hill
Probable early Bronze Age barrow on land east of Frieston Road, Hough on the Hill
Type and Period (2)
- RING DITCH (Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 1001 BC)
- ROUND BARROW (Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 1001 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Full Description
PRN 35527
During geophysical survey a series of linear and curvilinear anomalies were detected. The site was further evaluated by trial trenching, the anomalies appear to be a ring ditch structure built over a pit alignment. It consists of a penannular ditch, re-cut a number of times. At first the feature was interpreted as a possible round house dating to the Iron Age.{1}{2}{3}{4}
A watching brief and subsequent excavation of the feature identified as being the ring ditch of an early to middle Bronze Age barrow which had been cut by a later Iron Age pit alignment and Anglo-Saxon grubenhaus. It would appear the ditch itself had been recut at least once. The second recut contained pottery sherds dating to the early to middle Bronze Age, including collared urn and an accessory cup.{5}{6}
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SLI7293 Report: The University of York. 2000. Reconnaissance Programme: Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline - Phase 2. SSP99.
- <2> SLI7294 Archive: The University of York. 2000. Reconnaissance Programme: Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline - Phase 2. LCNCC:252.99.
- <3> SLI7291 Report: The University of York. 2001. Evaluation Programme: Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline Phase 3. SSP99.
- <4> SLI7292 Archive: The University of York. 2001. Evaluation Programme: Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline Phase 3. LCNCC:252.99.
- <5> SLI10133 Report: Field Archaeology Specialists. Aug 2006. Excavation and Watching Brief, Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline. SSP01.
- <6> SLI10134 Archive: Field Archaeology Specialists. Aug 2006. Excavation and Watching Brief, Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline. LCNCC 252.99.
Grid reference | Centred SK 9330 4684 (100m by 100m) |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological evaluation along a pipeline route - Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe (ELI2672)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological excavation, Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline (ELI6093)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological Watching Brief, Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe Gas Pipeline (ELI6092)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical survey along a pipeline route from Silk Willoughby to Staythorpe (ELI2668)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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