Monument record MLI82097 - Medieval/early post-medieval drainage ditches, Wardentree Lane
Medieval/early post-medieval drainage ditches, Wardentree Lane
Type and Period (3)
- DITCH (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1400 AD? to 1900 AD?)
- DRAINAGE DITCH (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1400 AD? to 1900 AD?)
- DITCH (Medieval - 1201 AD to 1399 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 23716
During a watching brief, a probable drainage ditch thought to date to the late medieval or early post-medieval period was recorded. {1}{2}
During a watching brief at TF 2522 2521 a series of twelve medieval ditches were recorded. From some of the ditches 13-14th century pottery sherds were recovered. It is thought that is an indicator that the area was perhaps extensively settled and utilised during the medieval period. {3}{4}
During a magnetic susceptibility survey a number of linear and curvilinear features were detected, these are though to be buried ditches and are likely to be part of the ditch network recorded during the watching brief in 1998. {5}
The anomalies identified during the 1998/1999 magnetic susceptibility survey were further investigated during trial trenching at TF 25502530. A total of six ditches, identified as probable boundary ditches, and two pits were recorded. Eighteen sherds of pottery were recovered from the site ranging in date from the 13th to 19th centuries. It is thought that the area was being utilised agriculturally from medieval times. Some of the trenches silted up by the mid 14th century but it is possible that they were influencing boundaries three hundred years later. {6}{7}
Sources/Archives (7)
- <1> SLI7050 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. Sept 1999. Wardentree Park, Pinchbeck. WPP99.
- <2> SLI7051 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. Sept 1999. Wardentree Park, Pinchbeck. LCNCC 185.99.
- <3> SLI7558 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1998. Land north of Wardentree Lane, Pinchbeck. WTL 98.
- <4> SLI7559 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1998. Land north of Wardentree Lane, Pinchbeck. LCNCC:188.98.
- <5> SLI7560 Report: University of Leicester Archaeological Services. 1999. Land north of Wardentree Lane, Pinchbeck.
- <6> SLI7561 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1999. Land north of Wardentree Lane, Pinchbeck. WTL99.
- <7> SLI7562 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1999. Land north of Wardentree Lane, Pinchbeck. LCNCC:59.99.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2545 2529 (505m by 506m) |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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