Monument record MLI80680 - Prehistoric flints found off Church Lane, Cherry Willingham


Prehistoric flints found during trial trenching off Church Lane, Cherry Willingham

Type and Period (1)

  • (Late Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age - 7000 BC to 801 BC)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 54514 During trial trenching on land off Church Lane 39 worked flints were recovered. These ranged in date from early Neolithic to late Bronze Age. The flints were found scattered within most of the trenches but there was a slight concentration on the high ground at the northern end of the site. There is no evidence for a prehistoric occupation area on this site but there may be such an area nearby. {1}{2} A long running watching brief on the development also found a sparse scatter of similar flints. {3}{4} A watching brief was undertaken during groundworks on Church Lane prior to development. 19 flints dating between the late Mesolithic and early Bronze Age were recovered from unstratified deposits. {5}{6}

Sources/Archives (6)

  •  Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Jan 2000. Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. CWCA99.
  •  Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. 2000. Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. LCNCC 188.99.
  •  Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Feb 2000. Phase VI, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. CWCL98.
  •  Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. 1998. Phase VI, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. LCNCC 178.98.
  •  Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Jan 2004. Watching brief on Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. CWCB99.
  •  Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Jan 2004. Watching brief on Phase VII, Church Lane, Cherry Willingham. LCNCC 271.99.



Grid reference Centred TF 0331 7226 (195m by 289m)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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