Monument record MLI52461 - Neolithic Long Barrow, Brookenby
Cropmarks of a Neolithic long barrow, to the south-west of Brookenby.
Type and Period (1)
- LONG BARROW (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2201 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Cropmarks of a Neolithic long barrow are visible on aerial photographs of this area to the south-west of Brookenby. The barrow is situated on the upper valley slope, on the northern side of the valley of the Waithe Beck. It is aligned south-east to north-west, with the long axis traversing the contours. It is a trapezium-shaped enclosure with straight terminals, and measures 74m by 26m, tapering to 18m at the narrower end. A cropmark line of variable strength inside the enclosure and towards the broader southern end may represent a marking out ditch. A possibly contemporary small rectilinear enclosure measuring roughly 28m by 16m and on the same alignment as the barrow lies a short distance to the south (see MLI127001). {1}{2}{3}
More recent analysis of the aerial photographs for this area shows the barrow as cropmarks and soilmarks, and as a shallow earthwork. The barrow comprises a rectilinear ditched enclosure, elongated north-west by south-east with maximum dimensions measuring 36m by 78.5m. Elements of an internal enclosure are also visible, as well as a possible external pit and ditch, though the cropmarks were not of the best clarity. The barrow has been bisected by several post-medieval, ditched field boundary hedges, which may have impacted the barrow deposits. {4}
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SLI145 Aerial Photograph: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1946-98. RCHME National Aerial Photograph Collection at Swindon. TF1994/14-17; TF1995/1-3.
- <2> SLI5407 Article in Serial: Dilwyn Jones. 1998. 'Long Barrows and Neolithic Elongated Enclosures in Lincolnshire: An Analysis of the Air Photographic Evidence' in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. vol.64, pp.83-114, fig.5, no.51.
- <3> SLI2302 Index: Dilwyn Jones. 1998. Gazetteer of Neolithic Elongated Enclosures and Extant Long Barrows in (Historic) Lincolnshire. no.51.
- <4> SLI89 Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR 12725/3 (28/07/1995).
Grid reference | Centred TF 1954 9499 (68m by 75m) Estimated from Sources |
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Record last edited
Jan 9 2025 11:43AM
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