Monument record MLI50545 - Possible Roman Fort or Medieval Enclosure, Becklands


Cropmarks of a possible Roman fort or medieval enclosure, at Becklands.

Type and Period (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Cropmarks of a regular, rectangular, or possibly square, double-ditched enclosure with rounded corners, seen on Paul Everson aerial photographs of 1976. Possibly the remains of a Roman fort or camp? {1}{2} These cropmarks have also been described as a possible medieval enclosure in an interpretation of the aerial photographic evidence by the National Mapping Programme. {3} Field walking and metal detecting was conducted on part of the site in 2013. A number of finds, both metal and ceramic, were recovered along with some twenty pieces of furnace slag from metal smelting/working. The principal finds were two bronze Roman brooches (provisionally dated to the 1st to 2nd century AD), fired material suggestive of Roman roof tile, and pottery sherds of the late Iron Age and Romano-British period. There was one possible Roman fourth century bronze coin that was badly corroded but might be a nummus. {4} A geophysical investigation, comprising both resistivity and magnetometry surveys, was undertaken in July 2014, on the site of the suspected Roman fort at Becklands Field, Nettleton. Ground conditions were very dry and not conducive to survey, and only a short section of possible ditch was recorded by the magnetometry survey. The recorded anomaly was very weak and difficult to discern, but was thought to relate to the previously recorded cropmarks. {5}

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Aerial Photograph: Paul Everson. 1975-90. RCHM. 2921/25 (1976).
  •  Aerial Photograph: Paul Everson. 1975-90. RCHM. 2920/23-4 (1976).
  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. TA1000: LI.236.1.1.
  •  Unpublished Document: Caistor Heritage Trust. 2014. Field Walking, Caistor, October 2013. -.
  •  Report: University of Kent. 2014. Geophysical Survey of Becklands Field, Nettleton. -.



Grid reference Centred TA 1040 0064 (275m by 215m) Estimated from Sources

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Related Events/Activities (4)

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Record last edited

Jul 25 2022 1:12PM


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