Monument record MLI43603 - Two round barrows in Burwell wood


Two round barrows in Burwell wood

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

A Bronze Age round barrow, with a second nearby, in scrubby beech woodland. {1} The monument includes the earthwork and buried remains of two Bronze Age bowl barrows located between two tributaries of the Great Eau, close to the south-eastern boundary of Burwell wood. Although the mounds are now somewhat obscured by beech trees, they would formerly have appeared as prominent landscape features when approached from the east and west. The southern mound is some 20 metres in diameter and around 2 metres high with gently sloping sides and a slightly flattened summit. The northern mound, which lies some 15 metres to the north-west, is of a similar diameter, standing to a maximum of 1 metre. Its summit is uneven, an effect thought to be caused by the uprooting of trees. The encircling ditches from which material for the mounds would have been quarried are not visible but are thought to survive buried beneath the present ground surface. For full details see the scheduling document 27883. {5}

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Scheduling Record: HBMC. 1978. AM 7. SAM 332.
  •  Index: OS CARD INDEX. BURWELL. TF 38 SE:10,1964, DA.
  •  Index: SMR FILE. BURWELL. TF 38 SE:H -.
  •  Scheduling Record: ENGLISH HERITAGE. 1996. SCHEDULING DOCUMENT 27883. MPP 23.
  •  Article in Serial: D.F. Petch. 1958. Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society Reports and Papers.



Grid reference Centred TF 3702 8074 (56m by 54m) Estimated from Sources

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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