Monument record MLI43597 - Butterbump Round Barrow Cemetery, Willoughby


Butterbump round barrow cemetery, Willoughby.

Type and Period (4)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

A group of seven round barrows at Butterbump Farm. None has a ditch. A further mound at TF49067236 is a natural feature. Some of the mounds have been disturbed by rabbits. One of the barrows was excavated in 1972, and produced some middle Bronze Age pottery and flints. Work continued in 1973 until 1975, and finds included two cremation urns, a cremation, covered by wooden planks, an ogival dagger with three rivets of Wessex type found in a hearth, with a whetstone on top of it. Analysis of pollen samples taken during the excavations suggested a pattern of successive clearance of the original lime forest in this area from 5000 BP onwards, possibly contemporary with the construction of the barrows. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8} A magnetometry survey of the site was carried out in advance of trial trenching by the Humber Wetlands Project. Three barrows were identified by their ring ditches two of the barrows had magnetic anomalies at their centre but the nature of these features was unclear. The evidence for the ring ditches suggested that they may be filled with peat deposits. {9} Seven known and more suspected barrows. A trench was excavated along the most northerly of the visible barrows and a nearby ditch which was revealed to be contemporary with the barrow. Flint flakes were found which probably date from the Neolithic period. Fieldwalking was undertaken in the fields adjacent to the cemetery; finds included one scraper, four cores and 28 flakes. {10}

Sources/Archives (10)

  •  Scheduling Record: HBMC. AM 7. SAM 296.
  •  Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. TF 47 SE: 5.
  •  Article in Serial: C.W. Phillips. 1935. 'The Present State of Archaeology in Lincolnshire: Part 2' in the Archaeological Journal. vol.91, p.185.
  •  Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. TF 47 SE: F, H.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: Jeffrey May. 1976. Prehistoric Lincolnshire. pp.72, 81-2.
  •  Article in Serial: Greig, J.R.A.. 1982. 'Forest Clearance and the Barrow Builders at Butterbump, Lincolnshire' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. vol.17, pp.11-4.
  •  Aerial Photograph: Paul Everson. 1975-90. RCHM. 2923/21A-27A, 1976.
  •  Aerial Photograph: Paul Everson. 1975-90. RCHM. 5166/30-32, 1977.
  •  Report: English Heritage Ancient Monuments Laboratory. 2000. Butterbump Round Barrows, Lincolnshire, Report on Geophysical Survey. -.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: Stephen Ellis, Helen Fenwick, Malcolm Lillie and Robert Van de Noort. 2001. Wetland Heritage of the Lincolnshire Marsh. p.181-190; Willoughby-13.



Grid reference Centred TF 4921 7235 (406m by 205m) Estimated from sources

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Record last edited

Jan 20 2025 3:13PM


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