Monument record MLI43319 - Possible Long Barrow, Skendleby Psalter


Remains of a possible Neolithic long barrow, 320m to the north-west of Skendleby Psalter. Now thought more likley to be the remains of a post-medieval chalk extraction pit.

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Remains of a Neolithic long barrow, located 320m to the north-west of Skendleby Psalter. Although not visible on the ground, it can be clearly seen as a cropmark on aerial photogrpahs of this area, located 70m above sea level on the south facing slope of the valley of a tributary of the River Lymn. The cropmark represents a buried elongated wedge-shaped enclosure measuring c.50m by 20m, aligned north to south and delineated by an infilled, unbroken ditch. The northern end is rounded, with straight sides tapering to a more rectangular southern end. This form is thought to represent the simpler type of Lincolnshire long barrow which consisted of an area set aside for mortuary activities and defined by a ditch which may have supported a palisade and facade or an arrangement of posts. Structures and deposits associated with these activities will survive as buried features within the enclosure. When the funerary rituals were completed, the enclosure would have been covered with scraped earth rather than the large mound which characterises the elaborated form of Lincolnshire long barrow. The monument is one of a number of long barrows in the area, which includes the Skendleby group situated c.1km to the south, and the two burial mounds known as Deadmen's Graves at a similar distance to the east. These monuments are associated with waterways and with the Bluestone Heath Road which is thought to have originated as a prehistoric trackway and which was later overlain by a Roman road. {1} Although still scheduled as the remains of a Neolithic long barrow, more recent study and analysis of the aerial photographs for this area would suggest that these cropmarks actually represent the remains of a post-medieval chalk extraction pit. {2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Scheduling Record: ENGLISH HERITAGE. 1996. SCHEDULING DOCUMENT 27853. MPP 22.
  •  Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. TF 47 SW: 101.



Grid reference Centred TF 4337 7193 (35m by 62m) Estimated from Sources

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Record last edited

Jan 29 2024 3:13PM


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