Monument record MLI42978 - Undated Cropmarks, Skendleby Psalter


Cropmarks of several possible enclosures and linear features or ditched boundaries of unknown date, to the north-west of Skendleby Psalter.

Type and Period (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Cropmarks of several possible enclosures and linear features or boundaries of unknown date, to the north-west of Skendleby Psalter. The cropmarks comprise a curved boundary ditch or enclsoure sides, at the northern end of the group (TF 4321 9195). South of this are two likely double-ditched linear boundaries, each running for about 90m. The northern of these features (centred at TF 4323 7189) runs along a north-south axis and appears to cut or overlap the northern curved feature. The southern linear feature (centred at TF 4322 7184) runs along an east-west axis. Identified on aerial photography examined as part of the National Mapping Programme. {1}{2} Further cropmarks marking the remains of a sub-rectangular enclosure of unknown date have been noted on additional aerial photographs taken of this area. This enclosure lies to the immediate east of the previous group (at TF 4332 7196), and is defined by a single ditch measuring approximately 40m by 30m. {3}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Aerial Photograph: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1946-98. RCHME National Aerial Photograph Collection at Swindon. 3218/10 (1986).
  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF4371: LI.110.3.1-4.1.
  •  Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR TF 4371/1-4 (NMR 17012/21-22; NMR 17021/41-42).



Grid reference Centred TF 4324 7191 (247m by 208m) Estimated from Sources

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Mar 9 2025 2:14PM


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