Monument record MLI42746 - Giants' Hills 3


One of a group of Neolithic long barrows to the north-west of Skendleby Lodge Farm, known as Giants' Hills.

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

One of a group of Neolithic long barrows to the north-west of Skendleby Lodge Farm, known as Giants' Hills (this being Giants' Hills 3). The barrow is visible on aerial photographs as cropmarks of an incomplete, oblong-shaped enclosure with three sides visible, approximately 20m wide. {1}{2} Scheduled as the buried remains of a Neolithic long barrow, on the eastern side of the valley of a tributary of the River Lymn, 750m north-west of Lodge Farm, on the boundary between two fields. Although the monument cannot be seen on the ground it is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. The cropmark represents the buried remains of a wedge shaped mortuary enclosure some 90m by 30m, aligned south-east to north-west, and defined by an infilled ditch. The ditch has a rounded south-eastern end and the north-western end is thought to be open. This ditch form is considered to represent a particular form of Lincolnshire long barrow, which would not have had a large earthen mound, the ditch delineating an area set aside for funerary activities, including the exposure of human remains. Structures and deposits relating to these activities will survive as buried features within the enclosure. For the full description and the legal address of this scheduled monument please refer to the appropriate entry in the National Heritage List for England. {3}{4} Giants' Hills 3 is situated on a south-western facing valley lip, sited between two dry valleys, at 75m above OD. It measures 76m by 23m and is aligned north-west to south-east, with the long axis running parallel to the contours. The barrow is visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, although the full extent was not discernible. The visible parts comprise a straight length of ditch to the north, with a convex return on the eastern side. The southern end lies in the adjoining field which represents a negative lynchet, and is not distinguishable. The western end is perhaps open, though the cropmarks are unclear here. What is visible of the feature suggests an enclosure of oblong form. Field walking conducted in February 1989 revealed no surface traces or finds. {5}{6} More recent analysis of the aerial photography for this area shows the barrow as an incomplete, elongated ditched enclosure, measuring roughly 89m long and 18m wide. The visible parts comprise the north-eastern long side with the south-eastern rounded end. A modern field boundary runs along the long axis of the barrow and only a small hint of the barrow ditch can be seen to the south of this boundary on aerial photographs taken in 1986. There is no apparent earthwork trace of the barrow mound visible. {7}{8}

Sources/Archives (8)

  •  Aerial Photograph: 1946-98. RCHME. 2401/24-28 (1986).
  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF4271: LI.109.8.3.
  •  Scheduling Record: ENGLISH HERITAGE. 1996. SCHEDULING DOCUMENT 27872. MPP 22.
  •  Website: Historic England (formerly English Heritage). 2011->. The National Heritage List for England. 1014935.
  •  Article in Serial: Dilwyn Jones. 1998. 'Long Barrows and Neolithic Elongated Enclosures in Lincolnshire: An Analysis of the Air Photographic Evidence' in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. vol.64, pp.83-114, fig.7, no.4.
  •  Index: Dilwyn Jones. 1998. Gazetteer of Neolithic Elongated Enclosures and Extant Long Barrows in (Historic) Lincolnshire. no.4.
  •  Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR TF4271/5/25 (26/07/1986).
  •  Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR 28039_012 (22/06/2010).



Grid reference Centred TF 4277 7127 (90m by 79m) Estimated from Sources

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Record last edited

Feb 6 2025 4:44PM


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