Monument record MLI40371 - Probable Barrow Cemetery, Benniworth


Several barrows were destroyed in this area in 1875, during the construction of the railway line to the east of Benniworth. Further barrows may still survive as part of a larger prehistoric cemetery in this area.

Type and Period (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Several barrows are thought to have been destroyed in this area in 1875, during the construction of the railway line to the east of Benniworth. Several urns were recorded as being found in the barrows, although their present whereabouts are unknown. The barrows were reportedly encountered during the excavation of a cutting for the line, although the reported grid reference (TF 2308 8219) seems to be wrong (being an area where the railway was embanked, rather than cut). This location approximately 150m to the west of the listed site seems to be much more likely, being an area where the line was cut through higher ground, and further barrows may still survive as part of a larger prehistoric cemetery in this area. A scatter of Bronze Age flints was found in this location in June 1921, supporting the idea that the barrows were located here, rather than further to the east. The flint assemblage was donated to Lincoln Museum, and included a number of scrapers and a broken barbed and tanged arrowhead. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. TF 28 SW: N, Q.
  •  Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. TF 28 SW: 1.



Grid reference Centred TF 2289 8227 (140m by 126m) Estimated from Sources

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

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Record last edited

Jul 28 2023 2:47PM


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