Monument record MLI33614 - Pagan Saxon inhumation burial, Castle Bytham
Pagan Saxon inhumation burial, Castle Bytham
Type and Period (2)
- BURIAL (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 410 AD to 650 AD)
- INHUMATION (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 410 AD to 650 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 33614
A pagan Anglo-Saxon burial of a female was found when a stone pit at Castle Bytham was enlarged in 1850. Associated grave goods included a gilt ring fibula brooch set with four gems, a copper earring, a necklace of blue and green glass and terracotta beads, a beaver tooth set in a metal shank and a horse's tooth drilled with holes, both probably worn as amulets, and a jet button.{1}{2}
It was ascertained from the manager of Castle Bytham Lime Pits (centred at SK990180) that these pits were originally quarried for stone, and were enlarged about 1850. No further information.{1}
In 1850 a ring brooch of silver gilt (set with four carbuncles and with interlaced ornamentation), beads (mostly of blue and green glass, some marked with spots and zigzag lines, with others of terracotta), a small object of jet with two perforations, a wire ring, the left incisor from the lower jaw of a large beaver with one end set in metal, and part of a horse's tooth, rubbed down into a conical form with a perforation through the apex, were found here with a skeleton.{3}{4}{5}{6}
Sources/Archives (8)
- <1> SLI2439 Index: OS CARD INDEX. CASTLE BYTHAM. SK91NE7,1965, D.A..
- <2> SLI1041 Bibliographic Reference: AKERMAN, J.. 1855. REMAINS OF PAGAN SAXONDOM. P 26-7 PL XII.
- <3> SLI285 Article in Serial: 1853. ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL. VOL X P 81-2.
- <4> SLI322 Article in Serial: C.W. Phillips. 1934. 'The Present State of Archaeology in Lincolnshire: Part 1' in the Archaeological Journal. VOL XCI P 147.
- <5> SLI218 Article in Serial: Rev. Ethelbert Horne. 1926. 'Saxon Cemetery at Buckland, Denham, Somerset' in the Antiquaries Journal. vol.6, pp.77-8.
- <6> SLI850 Bibliographic Reference: Audrey Meaney. 1964. A Gazetteer of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites. P 153.
- <7> SLI2957 Index: SMR FILE. CASTLE BYTHAM. SK91NE:C, F, H..
- <8> SLI7 Artefact: Cambridge Museum Collection. -.
Grid reference | SK 9900 1799 (point) Approximate |
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Record last edited
Mar 10 2025 3:01PM
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