Find Spot record MLI30527 - Early Anglo-Saxon pottery, New Somerby
Early Anglo-Saxon pottery, New Somerby
Type and Period (2)
- FINDSPOT (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 500 AD to 599 AD)
- INHUMATION (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 500 AD to 599 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
Full Description
PRN 30527
In Grantham Museum a small dark greyware decorated bowl and two sherds of black stamped ware dating to the 6th century, found during building in New Somerby. The grid reference on the OS card is SK 923 353 probably estimated from the position of New Somerby on the OS map. {1}{2}{3}
A small bowl in dark grey ware decorated with firm lines forming closed panels. Each containing a single row of ‘keyhole’ stamps. {4}
Two fragments of hard black ware, possibly from the same pot, showing parts of pendant triangles filled with stamps: three stamps are used. Probably mid to late sixth century. {5}
At SK 921 354 there were inhumation burials with a small bowl of greyware decorated with firm lines forming panels, each containing a single row of keyhole stamps. Also two fragments of hard black ware, possibly from the same pot, showing parts of pendant triangles filled with stamps. These finds were made at New Somerby. {6}
In Grantham Museum are some fragments of Black Anglian pottery with stamped rosette designs found at different [locations] in the suburbs of New Somerby in building houses. {7}
Sources/Archives (7)
- <1> SLI3045 Index: SMR FILE. GRANTHAM. SK 93 NW:Q, BH.
- <2> SLI2518 Index: OS CARD INDEX. GRANTHAM. SK 93 NW: 3.
- <3> SLI323 Article in Serial: C.W. Phillips. 1935. 'The Present State of Archaeology in Lincolnshire: Part 2' in the Archaeological Journal. VOL 91, P 168.
- <4> SLI321 Article in Serial: J.N.L. Myres. 1951. ‘The Anglo-Saxon Pottery of Lincolnshire’ in the Archaeological Journal. VOL 108, p.86 and Fig.8.8.
- <5> SLI321 Article in Serial: J.N.L. Myres. 1951. ‘The Anglo-Saxon Pottery of Lincolnshire’ in the Archaeological Journal. Vol.108, p.91 and Fig.12.1a and b.
- <6> SLI12978 Index: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire. South Kesteven Records for Grantham. Grantham. SK 35/204.
- <7> SLI12978 Index: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire. South Kesteven Records for Grantham. Grantham. SK 35/206.
Grid reference | SK 921 353 (point) Approximate |
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Record last edited
Jan 20 2025 3:11PM
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