Monument record MLI23633 - MEDIEVAL SALTERNS



Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 23633 An extensive area of salt workings run north-east to south-west between the railway line and Blue Gowt Drain. TF 257 258 to TF 270 283.{1} Geophysical survey and trial trenching centred on TF2700 2837 recorded substantial deposits relating to salt making, along with probable filtration beds, and a brine collecting vat. The large mounds of sediment indicated 'sand-washing' to extract the salt. The probable filtration beds appear to have been lined with lime mortar or had their bases fired. The dimensions of the exposed portions of the beds appear to be substantially bigger than those at Wainfleet (PRN 43584), and they appear to have been excavated directly into the tops of the silt mounds. Environmental samples have identified peat ash, suggesting that peat was used for fuel, and fired silt is thought to represent hearth fragments. Ashy spreads recorded during excavation are thought to represent deliberate levelling and redistribution of waste. The position of this site in correlation to the Roman Bank suggests that these structures relate to the final episodes of salt production on this saltern, as the oldest mounds are usually furthest from the sea. Pottery finds suggest a 13th century date for the end of salt production, leading to suggestions that the site was abandoned at an unusually early date. Environmental evidence also suggests a mixed vegetation habitat, and it is suggested that the presence of grassland and animal bone may indicate grazing and animal husbandry.{2}{3}{4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Verbal Communication: HEALEY, R.H.. 1997. Verbal report from Hilary Healey. -.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. Jan 2001. Land at Spalding Golf Club, Surfleet Seas End. SGG01.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. June 2001. Land belonging to Spalding Golf Club, Surfleet Seas End. SPGC01.
  •  Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. June 2001. Land belonging to Spalding Golf Club, Sufleet Seas End. LCNCC 2001.125.



Grid reference Centred TF 2617 2721 (1861m by 3005m)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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