Monument record MLI22169 - Romano-British Settlement
Romano-British Settlement
Type and Period (7)
- SETTLEMENT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FARMSTEAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- PIT (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC? to 409 AD)
- DITCH (Roman - 43 AD? to 200 AD?)
- SALT WORKS (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC? to 409 AD)
- FIELD SYSTEM (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- DITCH (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC? to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
The site of important, probably public, Roman buildings west and north of Whaplode Drove Church. In 1848 coins including one of Vespasian were found. Pits and ditches, full of burnt soil and debris containing a large quantity of pottery and coins, one of Antoninus Pius, were discovered in 1860, when the dyke to enclose a northward extension of the churchyard was dug. The site was visited in 1930-34 by C W Phillips, who reported brick, tile, a quantity of local reddish ware, Castor ware and a little samian. In September 1938 a much weathered, uninscribed altar of crude workmanship was found at TF3192 1349, (see M:52:50) when a grave was being dug, now in the church porch. A little 2nd to 4th century pottery was found by S J Hallam, in 1951. Further finds were reported in 1961-62, a teacher of Whaplode - Shiphay Stow School, at TF319 135. A sestertius of Trajan and Hadrian (probably R.I.C. 543) and further pottery was reported, at TF320 136, in 1961. Also a dupondius of Domitian and a samian stamp identified by B R Hartley as that of the Antonine potter RVFIANVS. Pottery from the site is in Spalding and Peterborough Museum. Several local people have minor finds (single coins or sherds of pottery) from the immediate vicinity of the church, generally from new graves. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}
On the south side of churchyard, now all built over, Romano-British pottery is often seen around graves, flower beds and in the dyke on the north side.{11}
At TF3199 1355 - a large quantity of large Romano-British ware sherds were fetched out whilst drag-lining on the north side of the churchyard in June 1973: colour-coated, grey wares and an almost complete samian bowl (form 38). {7}
Romano-British pottery was also found on a new bungalow site south of the churchyard along with some medieval pottery at TF3198 1349 in June 1973. Some sherds were sent to the City and County Museum, Lincoln in 1983. {7}
Pottery was reported from a field at TF 320 137. {1}{5}
During a watching brief at TF 320 137 a Romano-British pit was identified. Excavation of the pit yielded briquetage fragments, this suggests that there was salt working in the vicinity. Although tentative, the lack of any domestic artefacts from this period could indicate that this area was either peripheral to the main settlement or that it served a purely industrial purpose. {13}{14}
A watching brief at TF3205 1362 revealed a series of ditches and a dumped deposit. Briquetage was recovered from the ditches and an area of burnt soil was identified. The briquetage, which is indicative of salt making is dated from the very late Iron Age, but is more likely to be from the early Roman period. {15}{16}
During a watching brief in 2002 at TF 3206 1364, probable Romano-British saltmaking features were recorded, consisting of three ditches from which briquetage and a sherd of Roman pottery were recovered, and a pit containing burnt soil thought to derive from saltmaking. Two of the ditches were aligned north-east/south-west and appear to be recuts of an established boundary. No relationship was established between these ditches and another ditch aligned north-west/south-east, but if contemporaneous, the ditches may form part of a rectilinear field system or be man-made channels directing seawater to a saltmaking area.{17}{18}
Sources/Archives (18)
- <01> SLI2838 Index: OS CARD INDEX. WHAPLODE. TF 31 SW:14,31 -.
- <02> SLI371 Article in Serial: CAMMACK T. 1850. Associated Architectural and Archaeological Societies’ Reports and Papers. VOL 1 P 340-1.
- <03> SLI386 Article in Serial: MOORE, E.. 1861. Associated Architectural and Archaeological Societies’ Reports and Papers. VOL 6 P 21.
- <04> SLI661 Article in Serial: PETCH, D.F.. 1962. 'Archaeological Notes for 1961' in Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society Reports and Papers. VOL 9 PART 2 NS P 104-6.
- <05> SLI3378 Index: SMR FILE. WHAPLODE. TF 31 SW:R,T,V -.
- <06> SLI3378 Index: SMR FILE. WHAPLODE. TF 31 SW:P,1962, WHITWELL, J.B..
- <07> SLI2189 Index: Parish card index of the former South Lincolnshire Archaeology Unit. WHAPLODE. -,1981, HEALEY H.
- <08> SLI665 Article in Serial: WHITWELL, J.B.. 1963. Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society Reports and Papers. VOL 10 PART 1 P 7.
- <09> SLI3846 Photograph: PARISH FILE. WHAPLODE. ALTAR P7/81.
- <10> SLI1093 Bibliographic Reference: J.B. Whitwell. 1992. Roman Lincolnshire. pp.97, 129.
- <11> SLI1343 Correspondence: D.F. Petch and A.J. White. PARISH FILE. WHAPLODE. -.
- <12> SLI323 Article in Serial: C.W. Phillips. 1935. 'The Present State of Archaeology in Lincolnshire: Part 2' in the Archaeological Journal. VOL 91 P 185.
- <13> SLI7693 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2002. Chapel Gate, Whaplode Drove, Whaplode. WDC02.
- <14> SLI7694 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2002. Chapel Gate, Whaplode Drove, Whaplode. LCNCC:2002.137.
- <15> SLI8579 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2002. Chapel Gate, Whaplode Drove. WDCA02.
- <16> SLI8580 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2002. Chapel Gate, Whaplode Drove. LCNCC:2002.404.
- <17> SLI8588 Report: Archaeological Project Services. Nov 2002. Chapel Gate, Whaplode Drove, Whaplode. WDCB02.
- <18> SLI8589 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. Nov 2002. Chapel Gate, Whaplode Drove, Whaplode. LCNCC 2002.410.
Grid reference | Centred TF 3195 1357 (268m by 208m) |
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Record last edited
Jan 20 2025 3:09PM
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