Monument record MLI13354 - Possible Romano-British settlement, Station Road, Sutterton
Possible Romano-British settlement, Station Road, Sutterton
Type and Period (2)
- SETTLEMENT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FARMSTEAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 13354
This record represents the high status settlement indicated by excavations in this area. The settlement / salt workings observed during the excavations are represented by PRN 13336.
Following evaluation trenches at TF 285352 a relatively large and varied assemblage of pottery was recovered. The pottery as a whole represents a wide range of wares and functional uses, varying from common, low status domestic forms (cooking pots) to high status vessels (colour-coated). The finely made vessels (table wares), mortaria, amphorae and imported Samian suggests that a settlement of some status was located nearby. The pottery reveals a closely dated sequence from the later first century to the mid / late third century, possibly continuing into the fourth century with no apparent hiatus in the supply of the pottery. {1}{2}
During a watching brief on the site significant quantities of Roman pottery were recovered. This was dated almost exclusively to the middle of the third century and suggests that those features recorded during the watching brief belong to Roman activity about AD250 to 300. The pottery included amphorae from south Gaul, Samian from central Gaul and a range of fine wares from the Nene valley, mainly colour-coated forms. The pottery was generally large and fresh sherds with little abrasion. This would tend to confirm the nearby existence of a settlement. The site would appear to have been abandoned some time after the third century. {3}{4}
Geophysical survey identified a number of discrete archaeological features including ditches and pits.{5}{6}
Irrespective of the economic basis of the site, finds of Roman tile (tegula) and possibly hypocaust tile alongside a significant fineware pottery assemblage suggests a settlement possessing a level of wealth that allowed them in part to emulate contemporary urban culture. The exact location of this settlement was not determined. A possible trackway was also recorded. {5}{6}
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SLI1909 Report: Archaeological Project Services. Jan 1996. Archaeological Evaluation on Land South of the Cemetery, Station Road, Sutterton. SSR95.
- <2> SLI10878 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. Jan 1996. Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief on Land South of the Cemetery, Station Road, Sutterton. LCNCC 156.95.
- <3> SLI5220 Report: Archaeological Project Services. Nov 1996. Archaeological Watching Brief on Land South of the Cemetery, Station Road, Sutterton. SSR96.
- <4> SLI1629 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. Nov 1996. Archaeological Watching Brief on Land South of the Cemetery, Station Road, Sutterton. LCNCC 156.95.
- <5> SLI11863 Report: Allen Archaeological Associates. Feb 2008. Archaeological Evaluation at Sutterton Enterprise Park, Station Road, Sutterton. SUTT08.
- <6> SLI11864 Archive: Allen Archaeological Associates. Feb 2008. Archaeological Evaluation at Sutterton Enterprise Park, Station Road, Sutterton. LCNCC 2008.2.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2847 3510 (318m by 372m) |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: Magnetometry survey on land at Sutterton Enterprise Park, Sutterton (ELI8597)
- Event - Intervention: Trial trenching at land off Station Road, Sutterton (ELI7013)
- Event - Intervention: Trial trenching at Sutterton Enterprise Park, Station Road, Sutterton (ELI8563)
- Event - Intervention: Watching brief at land off Station Road, Sutterton (ELI7014)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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