Building record MLI127474 - Blacksmith's Cottage and Associated Former Outbuildings, Hawthorpe Road, Irnham


Blacksmiths Cottage, originally 17th century with later alterations. Excavations recorded former ancillary structures relating to the smithy.

Type and Period (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Blacksmith's Cottage was subject to a building recording in 2018. It was found that the cottage itself appears to postdate the blacksmithing workshop, with the cottage being of likely 17th century date. The workshop does not retain many fixtures and fittings associated with the former use with the notable exceptions of a slightly modified forge and part of the stack. The cottage is made from coursed, dressed limestone rubble with dressed staggered corner quoins. Later alterations are present including lean-tos and associated buildings dating to the 19th and 20th centuries. {1}{2} The blacksmithing workshop may have been in use for some time, with the property labelled as a "smithy" in 19th century Ordnance Survey mapping. {3} A 2023 watching brief was undertaken in part of the ground floor for the cottage, as well as several areas to the rear of the property. Within the property it was found that the original 17th century floori levels had been entirely removed by later alterations, and an ancilliary building to the rear probably used as a coal store was recorded. {4}{5}

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Report: York Archaeology. 2023. Historic Building Recording, Blacksmith's Cottage, Irnham. YA Site Code BCI22.
  •  Archive: York Archaeology. 2023. Historic Building Recording, Blacksmith's Cottage, Irnham. LCNCC: 2022.161.
  •  Map: Ordnance Survey. 1886-1891. 25 Inch County Series Map - First Edition. 1:2500. TF02NW.
  •  Report: York Archaeology. 2023. Archaeological Watching Brief, Blacksmith's Cottage, Hawthorpe Road, Irnham. YA Site Code BCI22.
  •  Archive: York Archaeology. 2023. Archaeological Watching Brief, Blacksmith's Cottage, Hawthorpe Road, Irnham. LCNCC 2022.161.



Grid reference Centred TF 0249 2688 (25m by 19m) (2 map features)

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Related Events/Activities (2)

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Record last edited

Feb 18 2025 1:22PM


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